New Mom Big News!

So many amazing things are happening! Something I’ve been working on for months, a guide of therapeutic activities for new postpartum moms, came out on Happify and it looks amazing! Happify is an awesome website and app full of evidence-based wellness information and activities for anyone – I really encourage anyone who wants to be actively a little happier in their everyday life to visit/download!

Related, my book Brave New Mom, is in the capable hands of an editor and getting ready for publication in early 2021. I hear from so many new moms, “Nothing prepared me for [this whole experience of new motherhood]” – that is what this book is for! I want this to be a guide to your postpartum feelings; a recognition of the collective strength, bravery, and power of moms; and practical, actual things you can do to feel better about yourself and your ability to handle new motherhood and everything that comes with it. I am so excited for this idea to become a reality so I’m busy getting a beautiful book cover and webpage all set up for it, as well as all gathering up the other supports a new mom needs. The Happify postpartum track is a great starting place for anyone you know needs this book now, though it’s not quite ready yet!

I just couldn’t help myself from sharing some of the great news and let you in on what I’ve been working on. Also, if you haven’t already pointed a new mom in your life to this article about postpartum support during COVID-19, send it along!

There is also a new article about “growing your village” for new parents here on the Postpartum Support International site:

Jessie Everts, PhD LMFT