I am so thrilled to be in the final phases of editing my first BOOK which will be released in early 2021!
Brave New Mom is a “Survival Guide for Mindfully Navigating Postpartum Motherhood.” It is the book I needed when I was a new mom, feeling isolated and panicked at home during each of my maternity leaves and beyond. The book offers brief but powerful practices that help new moms settle their minds, honor their feelings, care for their selves, and open up to support. I have been working on it fervently in secret and in collaboration with the phenomenal Wise Ink Creative Publishing.
With the book will come a supportive, non-judgmental, and empowering community for moms at bravenewmom.org, launching soon!
Sign up below for our newsletter to receive updates and exciting news as we get closer to the book and web community launch. See you soon! - Jessie Everts, PhD LMFT
Photo: Wilfredo Lee/AP